Aug 7, 2022Liked by Wally Moran

Finally found time to read this. Well said. I think both sides have an issue with this honestly. But, it's more pronounced on the left than the right. The right: trump won the election/ election was stolen/ people cheated/ etc. But the left... they've got more loud voices on their side, which is amplified by the MSM. It's gotten so bad I don't read hardly anything news wise except NR, and especially don't comment outside of "safe" spaces like here or NR.

Looking forward to more!

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Very well-written, well-argued and well-researched article.

We have the same kind of hysteria about Trump here in Australia. I recently pointed out to a friend that Biden must be demented to have said "no comment" in relation to the Maui fires. The instantaneous reaction was "He would have only done that because he was afraid Republicans would attack him no matter what he said" and then when I countered that, she said "We cannot have Trump!". Of course we won't be "having" him here but as Helen Joyce said recently "everywhere is America now". Trump = climate and planetary catastrophe. We then naturally waded into the dangerous conversational waters of prioritising climate change over all other issues and I asked if she'd vote for the Nazi party if they were in favour of taking swift climate action. To my astonishment she said yes. She also agreed that it was better that a significant proportion of the population of the underdeveloped world live in misery/die off for lack of safe heating, energy etc. than for climate change not to be addressed immediately. So genocide and mass deprivation and death are preferable to Trump. Previously she's admonished me (for my concern for kids being damaged by the campaign of mass sterilisation and genital mutilation that the democrats and leftists are pushing throughout the Western world) by saying that such things "don't matter enough" to be commented on by the mass media, unlike climate change of course.

Likewise our government-sponsored media, the ABC, is only too happy to take a blatantly partisan attitude to Trump. It's not journalism by any stretch of the imagination, more like water cooler discussions between colleagues who are all of like mind, chortling and scoffing at the mendacity and stupidity of Trump, and us "lucky" ordinary mortals get to eavesdrop.

You might be amazed to know that the only Marxist, as opposed to "Neo Marxist" (i.e. identitarian) organisation in the US is staunchly opposed to the general hysteria about Trump, to his being denied his constitutional rights and his being framed up on partisan grounds, because attacks on Trump put everyone's rights at risk.

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